Saturday, 4 April 2020

Mail order Marijuana, CBD, and Current Legislation

While it is currently against the law to sell marijuana for recreational use in 48 of 50 states, we are banking on states other than Colorado and Washington seeing the tax revenue potential in legalizing marijuana. Colorado and Washington are expecting large rises in what is being coined “marijuana tourism” and we think that in today’s day and age with nearly every state in a budget crunch others will see this as a positive source of revenue.

With the two recently passed bills adults will be allowed to possess up to 1 ounce of marijuana for recreational use. “Experts” on the issue are saying that this will not be like Amsterdam but none the less the legalization in Colorado and Washington has been nothing less than groundbreaking. Crime related to the use of marijuana is very small compared to other drugs and even alcohol.

We realize this is kind of a long shot but if more states do legalize and it is legal for us to ship marijuana you can bet that we will be the first company in the US offering mail order marijuana. We’re keeping a very close eye on marijuana legislation and once we feel that it is safe and 100% legal for all parties involved we will start preparing to ship product.

Our Products

Green Roads CBD Oil Mint Breeze: - Green Roads Mint Breeze CBD Oil is a refreshing daily wellness experience. Each 1ml serving of this moderate strength bottle delivers approximately 25mg of CBD along with MCT oil, hemp seed oil, natural flavor, and more supportive ingredients.

Naturemood Premium Hemp Oil: - It has Anti-inflammatory properties hence it may help with some skin disorders like blemishes, acne scars & scars. Organic Hemp Seed Oil is full of antioxidants & nutrients which are essential for glowing skin and resisting oxidation.

Green Roads CBD Muscle & Joint Roll On: - Green Roads CBD Muscle & Joint Heat Relief Roll-on has been formulated to treat aches and physical discomfort associated with stiff joints, tense muscles, bruises, and cramps. Our new roll-on CBD therapy combines powerful pain relieving ingredients with the soothing, anti-inflammatory properties of CBD to provide fast-acting relief that can help relax the pain away. With an easy-to-use roll-on application method, this CBD heat therapy is guaranteed to leave no mess behind and keep your hands clean.

Now, with current legislation, there is a gray area with CBD products. We are big supporters of the health benefits that CBD and marijuana provide, so we are going to do everything we can to continue giving you the opportunity to access these products.

We have been in e-commerce for 12 years and know the business well. For more info visit here :-

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